After Earth Wiki

An Okapi is a herd-dwelling animal native to Earth that is in the modern times since humanity appeared on earth.


The okapi is a four-legged herbivorous mammal. It has a striped striped coat much like the fabulos Zebra, but is actually related to the Giraffe, their coat is very oily and provide protection against water and for camouflage. The males have short fur-covered horns called ossicones.

Evolution and Discovery[]

A long time ago, the early giraffids were like the okapi, but a little different in head-shape. Since humanity has appeared earth, the animal has discovered in the year 1901 (which is the same year airplanes were first invented), In the movie, even with its ossicones, have grown sharpened presumably for defensive purposes, and the animal evolved to travel in a herd rather than being solitary. Their zebra-like stripes have extended to their legs, in the movie, they have stripes on their back. This appearance resemble that of an African antelope called the Bongo.


Originally on Earth the animal was discovered in the nineteenth century, it was given the scientific name okapia johnstoni in honor of the explorer "Harry Johnston". When johnston's ship landed on central africa, these creatures were tracked in the higher elevations near the ship.


  • Okapis are the food of a Leopard.
  • The okapi is endangered cause of habitat loss and poaching, but, some live and breed in your public zoo.